
  • What’s that box?

    Have you ever been walking around a forest or perhaps just your local park and spotted a weird box on a tree or building? Well, these might actually be wildlife conservation boxes! There are a lot of different shapes and sizes for different species so this quick guide will help you identify the different wildlife boxes you may encounter whilst out and about! Important note: Although it can be great…

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  • Meet the Buff-tip moth

    This is the Buff-tip moth, aka the best type of moth in the UK. This little guy is one of my favourite moth species and this morning I finally got to see one in person right on my doorstep (literally!). So, here is a little…

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  • Secrets of a bat survey!

    This past weekend I was invited on my first ever bat box survey! And let me tell you I may now have a new love for bats. So, today’s post I thought I would retell the survey day, and discuss what actually went on; as…

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