
  • Hazel Dormouse

    Meet the hazel dormouse, perhaps one of the UK’s cutest wildlife species! You’ve probably never seen one of these guys in the wild as they spend most of the day fast asleep! They are arboreal meaning they spend all their time up in the trees and hedge rows climbing about looking for nuts and berries to feast on. Dormice are also a highly protected species here because of declines in…

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  • What’s that box?

    Have you ever been walking around a forest or perhaps just your local park and spotted a weird box on a tree or building? Well, these might actually be wildlife conservation boxes! There are a lot of different shapes and sizes for different species so…

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  • Dragonflies VS Damselflies

    Dragonflies easily one of the UK’s most recognizable insect species and a common sight near any body of water throughout the summer months. However, did you know some of those insects you are calling dragonflies may in fact be its lesser known relative the damselfly?…

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  • Meet the Buff-tip moth

    This is the Buff-tip moth, aka the best type of moth in the UK. This little guy is one of my favourite moth species and this morning I finally got to see one in person right on my doorstep (literally!). So, here is a little…

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