Binoculars can be a key component of your outdoor gear, whether wildlife watching, checking out the landscape or just wanting to get a closer look at stuff- binoculars offer the perfect way to do that. However, with so many options and a variety of different focal lengths, magnification and glass specifications all ranging in price from less than £100 to over £1000- how do you know what you’re looking for?…
Bowling Green Marsh Wildlife Walk
Bowling Green Marsh (or BGM as it is sometimes referred) is a small nature reserve looking out over the Exe Estuary and surrounding landscape. Here, you can find several bird hides (both indoor and outdoor) perfect for spotting wetland species as they fly in with…
Fernworthy Reservoir Wildlife walk
Fernworthy reservoir is located just 15 minutes’ drive from the beautiful village of Chagford within Dartmoor National Park. Home to several acres of meadow, woodland, and moorland it is the perfect place for a spot of wildlife watching. There are several bird hides located around…
Stover Country Park- Wildlife Walk
Stover country park on the edge of Dartmoor is the perfect spot for an easily accessible wildlife walk for everyone to enjoy! The park itself includes over 114 acres of lake, marshland, forest, and heathland, with a wide variety of wildlife but don’t worry you…